The New Mexico Plateau subregion is an inter-mountain basin bordered by three mountain ranges on the north: The La Garita mountain range, the San Juan Mountains, and the Colorado Sangre de Cristo range. In New Mexico, the basin is bordered by the Jemez Mountains and the Southern Sangre de Cristo range. The most dominant existing vegetation type is semi-desert shrub-steppe (22%).
Hot Topics
- Wildfire issues include grass and shrub fuels as well as adjacent forest conditions.
- Widely dispersed human population
- Sustainable agriculture
- Water management and water rights due to semi-arid climate and reliance on irrigation for agriculture
- Balancing land use planning and development with natural resources and cultural heritage
- Climate change adaptation, including shifts in temperature and precipitation patterns, increased frequency of extreme weather events, and changes in water availability.
Subregion Representative
Subregion Representative Wanted! Contact our Program Coordinator Gloria Edwards for details:
Gloria Edwards
Southern Rockies Fire Science Network Coordinator
Colorado State University
Alamosa County Emergency Operations Plan