Abstract: Red Flag Warnings (RFWs) issued by the National Weather Service in the United States (U.S.) are an important early …
Where’s the Biomass? A New Approach for Quantifying Biomass and Carbon in the Western United States
Full Bulletin: https://bit.ly/35gaRO2 Summary: The 2012 USDA Forest Service Planning rule requires that National Forests …
The Use of Science in Wildland Fire Management: a Review of Barriers and Facilitators
Summary: Most studies were conducted in the USA in the last 10 years and demonstrated that science is commonly used in fire …
Smoke and Roadway Safety Guide
Smoke and Roadway Safety Guide from the National Wildfire Coordinating Group.https://www.nwcg.gov/publications/477 …
Asbestos and Natural Disasters Guide
Learn more about the potential dangers of asbestos from the Mesothelioma center. Natural disasters such as wildfires, hurricanes, …
Biochar kilns: A simple and innovative approach to removing hazardous fuels and improve forest health
The Southern Rockies Fire Science Network (SRFSN) is collaborating with Utah State University (USU) Forestry Extension to …
Taking it to the Road: Utah Biochar Workshops Increase Knowledge and Lead to Behavior Change
From USU Forestry Extension: Taking it to the Road: Utah Biochar Workshops Increase Knowledge and Lead to Behavior Change. This …
Post-Fire Native Seed Use in Western Colorado: A Look at Burned and Unburned Vegetation Communities
Wildfires on public lands in the United States are increasing in size and frequency over time. Government agency post-fire …